
Mk narodna muzika
Mk narodna muzika

  • Mexican Moriscas: A Problem in Dance Acculturation by Gertrude Prokosh Kurath.
  • North-Western Region around Poznan: And the Territories along the Former German.
  • "Piesn i muzyka ludowa Wielpolski i Ziemi Lubuskiej w swietle dotych czasowych badan." ("Songs and Folk Music in the Province of Great Poland.
  • Journal of the Welsh Folk Song Society.
  • La Nouvelle Lyre Malmédienne ou la vie en Wallonie malmédienne reflétée dans la chanson folklorique by Roger Pinon.
  • La Chanson de Résistance aux occupants de 1815-1830 by Roger Pinon.
  • Le Folklore musical à l'école by Roger Pinon.
  • Sonderdruck aus Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung.
  • "Vom Wert des Tanzes, insonderheit des Kontratanzes" and "Über den Kontratanz" by Georg Goetsch.
  • Raimund Zoder und die österreichische Volkskunde by Leopold Schmidt.
  • The Music of the Lapps by Ernst Emsheimer.
  • Die Musik der Eskimos by Zygmunt Estreicher.
  • Norsk Musikkgranskning: Årbok, 1947-1950 by O.
  • The Film and Fundamental Education by Peter Brinson Film and Filmstrip Projection in Fundamental Education by Peter Brinson Choice and Care of Films in Fundamental Education by Peter Brinson Choice and Care of Filmstrips in Fundamental Education by George Seager.
  • Il Semana Nacional de Folclore by Comissão Nacional de Folclore do I.
  • Catálogo ilustrado do Museu Folclórico by Oneyda Alvarenga.
  • Bibliographie Internationale des Arts et Traditions Populaires by Paul Geiger Robert Wildhaber.
  • Lebendiges Volksschauspiel in Steiermark by Leopold Kretzenbacher.
  • Terschellinger Volksleven by Jaap Kunst.
  • Ralph Vaughan Williams, A Study by Hubert Foss.
  • Animal Folk Songs for Children by Ruth Crawford Seeger.
  • Hullabaloo and Other Singing Folk Games by Richard Chase.
  • Children's Games throughout the Year by Leslie Daiken.
  • The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes by Iona Opie Peter Opie.
  • Handbooks of European National Dances by Violet Alford.
  • Volkstänze aus der Alemannischen Schweiz by Louise Witzig. Đorđević "Neki problemi istoriskog i teoriskog proučavanja naše orske igre i orske muzike." (Some of the Problems Involved in the Study of Our Traditional Dances and Dance Songs from the Historical and Theoretical Point of View) by Ljubica S. (Contributions Towards a Biographical Dictionary of Serbian Musicians) by Vladimir R.
  • Prilozi biografskom rečniku srpskih muzičara.
  • Die Volkstänze in Österreich und verwandte Tänze in Europa by Richard Wolfram.
  • Lloyd Alan Bush Twelve Russian Folk Songs by Matyas Seiber.

    mk narodna muzika

    Hrvatske Narodne Pjesme (Kajkavske) by Vinko Zganec.(Rhythm and Time in Bulgarian Folk Music) by A. Karastoyanov Ritŭm i takt v bŭlgarskata narodna muzika. (The Melodic and Harmonic Structure of Bulgarian Folk Song) by A. Melodični i harmonični osnovi na bŭlgarskata narodna pesen.Altrussische Volkslieder aus dem Pečoryland by Elsa Mahler.Del Areito de Anacaona al Poema Folklórico by Enrique de Marchena.La Africanía de la Música Folklórica de Cuba by Fernando Ortiz Los Bailes y el Teatro de los Negros en el Folklore de Cuba by Fernando Ortiz.Folk Songs of Virginia by Arthur Kyle Davis.Owens Folksongs of Alabama by Byron Arnold. The Standard Dictionary of Mythology, Folklore and Legend by Maria Leach.Publications Received Music, Books and Pamphlets Reports from Correspondents and National Organisations.‘Folk and Primitive Music in Canada’ by Margaret Sargent.Programme Notes on the Dances and Songs Performed at the Yugoslav Folk Music Festival.‘Importance des Musiques Ethniques dans la Culture Musicale Contemporaire’ by Paul Collaer.‘Some Theoretical Statements on the Art of Musical Folklore’ by Ivo Kirigin.‘Les Caracteres Metriques dans la Musique Populaire Macedonienne’ by Zivko Firfov.‘Folk Songs in the Folk Plays of the Austrian Alpine Regions’ by Leopold Kretzenbacher and K.

    mk narodna muzika

  • ‘Folk Song and the Concert Singer’ by Patrick Shuldham-Shaw.
  • ‘Contenu Ideologique et Proces Rythmique de la Danse Populaire Macedonienne’ by Emanuil Ćućkov.
  • ‘Les Rapports Reciproques du Folklore et de la Creation Musicale Artistique en Slovenie’ by Radoslav Hrovatin.
  • ‘Les Formes Polyphoniques dans la Musique Populaire de Bosnie et D'Herzegovine’ by Cvjetko Rihtman.
  • mk narodna muzika

    ‘Yemenite Dances and Their Influence on the New Israeli Folk Dances’ by Gurit Kadman.‘Correspondence between Eastern and Western Folk Epics’ by Felix Hoerburger.‘Les Bases Tonales de la Musique Populaire Serbe’ by Miodrag A.‘Migrations and Mutations of Oriental Folk Instruments’ by Edith Gerson-Kiwi.‘Styles et Techniques des Danseurs Traditionnels Serbes’ by Ljubica Yanković and Danica Yanković.‘Le Rythme Critere de L'Attitude Individuelle et Collective’ by Antoine-E.‘Slovene Folk Dance and Folk Music’ by France Marolt.

    mk narodna muzika

    Proceedings of the Fourth Conference Held at Opatija, Yugoslavia ‘Some Impressions of the Yugoslav Conference and Festival’ by Marie Slocombe.

    Mk narodna muzika